Vuoi cambiare il mondo?

Allora questo è il posto giusto! Midsummer è alla costante ricerca di persone qualificate con un grande interesse per la tecnologia innovativa, l’energia solare e il design accativante. Vieni a far parte del nostro team dedicato allo sviluppo e alla ricerca, in cui nessuna idea è irragiungibile!

Lo spirito Midsummer

Midsummer è passata da essere una piccola azienda con l’idea di creare una tecnologia per celle solari sostenibili a una azienda quotata in borsa con oltre 100 dipendenti. É stato possibile grazie a un cultura aziendale davvero speciale caraterrizata da personale altamente qualificato e un’atmosfera informale in cui idee eccellenti possono essere trasformate in prodotti fantastici, il tutto con l’obiettivo di cambiare la storia dell’energia solare insieme

L’unico limite è l’immaginazione

L’ambiente aziendale in Midsummer è coinvolgente e creativo e caratterizato da innovazione e curiosità. L’organizzazione è in orizzontale, cioè la collaborazione e prendere l’iniziativa sono condizioni necessari per la crescita.

Sia che tu pensi in parole o in numeri, c’è sempre opportunità per il tuo sviluppo professionale.

Soddisfazione quotidiana nel lavoro

Midsummer lavora con intraprendenza per creare un posto di lavoro libero da discriminazioni e dove la salute, la soddisfazione sul lavoro e l’efficienza dei nostri dipendenti sono prioritari. I nostri dipendenti provengono da diverse parti del mondo e siamo convinti che un team con background e competenze diverse sia la chiave del successo

Candidatura spontanea

Posizioni aperte

Site Manager with experience in Quality management

Incontra il team

Esko Niemi

”Midsummer è un’azienda veramente internazionale, nel senso che fra il personale si parlano circa 30 lingue. Pertanto, oltre a contribuire a fornire energia rinnovabile al mondo, Midsummer è anche un hub di culture diverse. Trovo l’interazione con i miei colleghi di diversi paesi molto stimolante e gratificante”.

Role: Senior Specialist, Solar Cell R&D

Worked at Midsummer since:: 2007

What do you do in your current role?
I am part of a small group, called “Special Projects”, focusing on lowering our production costs. My activities focus on the CIGS solar cell and are aimed at lowering the production cost, measured in $/W, by lowering the cost of today’s standard production process and/or by increasing the efficiency of the CIGS cells.

What have you previously worked with?
I have spent most of my professional career working on CIGS solar cells, since I started on my PhD education in 1985. My CIGS work has been performed at the Royal Institute of Technology, Fuji Electric Corporate R&D, Nordic Solar Energy, Uppsala University and now Midsummer. Before joining Midsummer, I worked seven years on InP-based lasers and detectors for fiberoptic communication at a company which today is part of II-VI Inc.

What do you like about your job?
Since I started working on solar cells, I have been proud of being part of the worldwide efforts to solve the world’s energy problems by changing from hydrocarbons to renewable energy sources. Volume-wise the world still has a long way to go, but we are getting there.

How have you developed at Midsummer?
My work at Midsummer has been centered on developing the CIGS solar cells. Most of the time I’ve done that in the role of a researcher, but sometimes also as group manager for the Solar Cell R&D. The managerial role has been a new and developing experience to me, even if I prefer to focus on the experimental work on the solar cells.

What is the best part about working at Midsummer?
Midsummer is a truly international company, in the sense that around 30 languages are mastered among the workforce. Thus, in addition to help providing renewable energy to the world, Midsummer is also a melting pot of different cultures. I find the interaction with my colleagues from different countries very inspiring and rewarding.

What do you like to do in your free time?
In the summer time, I can often be found on a golf course. Recently I also picked up a new hobby, bird feeding. I’m also longing for the Covid-19 pandemic to end, so I can travel abroad with my wife and my 20 years old son again.

‘Hidden talent’, unusual experience or interest?
During my year at Fuji Electric, I picked up some of the Japanese language. I also enjoy televised sports, among the less common sports I enjoy are snooker, sumo and biathlon.

Erik Rantala

“È un privilegio far parte del team che fa sì che il futuro accada oggi. I miei colleghi sono eccezionali e l’intero team proviene da diverse parti del mondo. La maggior parte di noi riesce a fare un po’ di tutto e questo è davvero la base per una cultura unica e un ambiente lavorativo fantastico qui in Midsummer”.

Role: Software Engineer

Worked at Midsummer since: 2017

What do you do in your current role?
I do a lot so let me name just a few things! I develop new software for our departments, develop and maintain software for our existing machinery in the production facility and administer our databases and remote support systems. I also manage commissioning of, and customer installations for, our DUO and UNO tools. I test and implement new hardware in our machines.

What have you previously worked with?
A little bit of everything! Once upon a time I was in the financial sector, but I have also worked at supermarkets and bookstores as well as in construction. I am also educated in the field of landscape science, which focuses on the processes that has created the landscapes we see around us today.

What do you like about your job?
I love the variety of tasks my position entails. The fact that I can go from straight up programming one day to I/O checking a communication bus the next day; To sit in a meeting planning an installation the third day and then when the meeting is finished just grab my multimeter to do a quick check of something else before heading back to the office to optimize a few tables in a database.

How have you developed at Midsummer?
In my role I have realized that the bigger picture is the only picture, there is no getting stuck on details. Just move on!

What is the best part about working at Midsummer?
It is a privilege to be part of the team that makes the future happen today. My co-workers are very focused, and the entire crew is just a great collection of people from all over the world. Most of us get to do a little bit of everything and that really sets the foundation for a unique culture and great work environment here at Midsummer.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy nature a lot and my vintage American car. I try to visit my family as much as I can and I love to check maps over areas I haven’t visited before. I love planning a hike or just fishing right next to my mountain cabin.

‘Hidden talent’, unusual experience or interest?
I am a wrist watch fanatic! I always know north, south, east and west wherever I go so I am never lost. I enjoy watching lectures in nature sciences on my spare time.

Klara Takei

“Tra le cose migliori in Midsummer ci sono tutti i colleghi. Persone fantastiche, ben preparati, divertenti, laboriosi e talvolta strani (in senso positivo)! Inoltre, c’è una mentalità per cui – solo perché un certo problema non è mai stato risolto prima, non significa che sia impossibile.”

Role: Head of Research and Development Projects

Worked at Midsummer since: 2015

What do you do in your current role?
I work with the materials development team to find cheaper and better ways to make more efficient solar cells.

What have you previously worked with?
I have been taking DUOs into production at customers’ sites and been involved in numerous research projects. But before I started at Midsummer, I have worked with many different things, from waitressing to caring for people with special needs to glassblowing.

What do you like about your job?
I am a curious person and really enjoy searching for solutions to complex problems, to find the connection between process changes and results. Also, I like working in a dynamic and fast changing environment, where I don’t always know what will happen next or which possibilities will pop up.

How have you developed at Midsummer?
When I came to Midsummer it was as a master thesis student in the process of changing careers into engineering. Now I lead a research group and I am also part of the management team. It is of course a journey where I have learned a lot.

What is the best part about working at Midsummer?
Some of the best things are all the fantastic, knowledgeable, funny, hard-working and sometimes odd (in a nice way) colleagues! And the mindset that just because a certain problem has never been solved before, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Running, being with my kids and dogs, camping, picking blueberries and mushrooms.

‘Hidden talent’, unusual experience or interest?
Hmm, don’t know if glassblowing counts as such?

Eric Jaremalm

”La parte migliore del mio lavoro è che io, insieme a tutti i miei colleghi di Midsummer, posso mostrare al mondo che è possibile diventare autosufficienti per quanto riguarda l’elettricità, con un prodotto altamente innovativo. Insieme stiamo cambiando la mentalità dei nostri concittadini su cosa può essere un tetto solare”.

Role: Executive Vice President & CFOr

Worked at Midsummer since: 2004

What do you do in your current role?
My job is to secure that Midsummer always have money in the bank, by selling DUO machines and solar roofs and by securing grants and investments, and at the same time by reducing cost and waste throughout the organization.

What have you previously worked with?
Before Midsummer, I worked at Mycronic installing production equipment in Japan. In the early days of Midsummer, I worked with developing the CIGS solar cell process in the predecessor to the DUO.

What do you like about your job?
The best part of my job is that I, together with all my fellow Midsummerians, can show the world that it is possible to become self-sustainable with electricity, with a cool product that improves the appearance of one’s house. Together we are shifting the mindset of our fellow citizens on what a solar roof can be.

How have you developed at Midsummer?
From a small boy, to an old man.

What is the best part about working at Midsummer?
I love to see the gradual evolution of Midsummer, day by day.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Get lost in the forest or in the mountains. Annoy my kids with my existence.

‘Hidden talent’, unusual experience or interest?
Tricked my wife into marrying me by serving surströmming (fermented herring) and 96% Polish vodka on our first date in Tokyo.

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