Midsummer signs another cooperation agreement in the Spanish market

Swedish solar technology leader Midsummer and the Spanish leading producer of sandwich panels Hiansa Panels have signed a Letter of Intent to offer customers within the industrial and agricultural sector in Spain a sandwich panel integrated with Midsummer SLIM solar panels, making the roof produce energy. This is Midsummer’s third major cooperation agreement signed on the Iberian Peninsula in a short period of time.

The cooperation between Midsummer and Hiansa Panel will offer the industrial and agricultural market in Spain a sandwich panel with an integrated solar panel. As the Midsummer SLIM solar panel only adds 3kg/m2 the solution is excellent for roofs with weight limitations or where extra wind load can be dangerous for the building – factors that often prevent the installation of conventional solar panels. The solar panel can be integrated into the sandwich panel directly in the factory, but it can also be mounted afterwards.

“Midsummer SLIM, which is usually sold integrated in standing seam metal roofs, is our most popular product in Sweden. It is very exciting to expand its area of ​​use and integrate it into a sandwich panel for the industrial and agricultural sector. It feels particularly promising to do this in Spain, which has the strongest growth in solar energy in Europe, from 288 MW/year 2018 to a full 4680 MW/year 2019*”, said Sven Lindstöm, CEO Midsummer.

Hiansa Panel is a leading manufacturer in pre-painted steel panels for roofs and facades and offers a wide range of sandwich panel products. The company is active in Spain, Portugal, Africa and Latin America and is part of Grupo Hiemesa, a leading Spanish group of companies in the steel sector.

‘’As the solar energy market in Spain today is booming we are proud to offer a smart solution with Midsummer’s thin and flexible solar panel integrated into our sandwich panel already from the factory’’, said José Ramón Piqué, CEO at Hiansa Panel. ‘’The combination of our sandwich panels and Midsummer’s solar panels means a smooth and fast installation for the customers, making it easy to produce their own electricity on the roof’’.


* Source: EU Market Outlook For Solar Power / 2019 – 2023


For further information, please contact:
Helena Engelbrecht
Head of Communications, Midsummer
E-mail: helena.engelbrecht@midsummer.se
Phone: +46 76 789 77 78

Sebastien Guyon
Export & E-commerce manager, Hiansa Panel
E-mail: sguyon@hiansa.com
Phone: +34 957 198 900

About Midsummer
Midsummer develops and markets solar panels directly to end customers from its own production. With the products Midsummer SLIM, Midsummer WAVE and Midsummer BOLD he customers get light, thin and discrete solar panels that result in aesthetically pleasing solar roofs with a 90 % smaller carbon footprint compared to conventional solar panels.

Midsummer is also a leading developer and supplier of advanced solar energy technology solutions for the production and installation of thin film solar panels. Its business offering includes equipment for cost-effective manufacturing of thin film solar cells as well as building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions. Midsummer’s DUO system has taken the position as the most widespread manufacturing tool for flexible CIGS solar cells in the world.

Midsummer’s technology is based on a rapid process for the production of durable, flexible CIGS solar cells using sputtering of all layers of the solar cell in a sealed vacuum chain. The Company’s share (MIDS) is traded on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market with G & W Fondkommission as Certified Adviser, phone: +46 (0)8-503 000 50, email: ca@gwkapital.se. For more information, please visit: midsummer.se


About Hiansa Panel
Hiansa Panel is a leading manufacturer in pre-painted steel panels for roofs and facades, which are essential in industrial construction processes. Located in the south of Spain, specifically in Villafranca de Córdoba, Hiansa Panel offers a wide range of products in Panel Sandwich, Profile Sheets, Tile Panel, Polycarbonate Lighting Panels, Refrigeration Panel and Composite Slabs Sheets.

Always in constant evolution, Hiansa Panel offers its customers interesting novelties such as panels with FM Approved certification, the ULTRA range of high-performance sandwich panels or the BIM library of all products. Hiansa Panel Technical Department is also offering a customer-oriented service with the aim to help in the definition and design of the constructive solutions that each company requires. You can find more information on the web

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