Be inspired by our customers

Midsummer WAVE
Magnus and Zuzanna, Nacka​

''The interest in Midsummer arose in connection with our desire for an integrated solar cell roof. The combination of installing both new roofing with cardboard and roof tiles and discreet solar panels that follow the shape of the tiles meant a tasteful design and made the choice obvious. In addition, we appreciate the WAVE panels for their low climate footprint during production."

Midsummer WAVE
Mats and Britta, Täby

“Our WAVE panels blend with our roof and with our area, where the original character of houses must be preserved. It’s a positive thing that the solar panels are made in Sweden with a small climate footprint and communication with Midsummer has been smooth. And now the spring sunshine's starting to come through, we're getting our own KwH for the first time!”

Midsummer WAVE

''We are very happy to have locally produced solar panels that blend beautifully with our roof and help us produce fossil-free energy. Great for the planet and looking good while doing it!"

Midsummer SLIM
Tora and Jörgen, Anderslöv

“We had looked around for a long time for different types of roofs that we thought suited the house, but did not find anything with solar cells. Then we got a tip from a friend about scouting Midsummer - so we did, and quickly saw that this could probably be something."

Midsummer SLIM
Birger and Titti, Norrtälje

''We had thought about solar energy for a long time but withdrew because we thought ordinary solar panels were clumsy. As an artist, I therefore decided that it would be beautiful. In addition, we would like to contribute and pull our straw to the pile by not burdening the environment too much with fossil-powered electricity. We are very happy!"

Midsummer BOLD
Mattias, Enköping

“Working with Midsummer was really simple. We were replacing our tiles, and they finished things off with their beautiful Midsummer BOLD roof, which is now making a small contribution to the environment.”

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