Invest in a sustainable future and take control of your electricity costs. Midsummer’s solar panels are ultralight and manufactured in Sweden with 90 percent lower CO2 emissions.
Minimum weight of 3.5 kg / m2 enables easy and safe installation without penetrating the roof sealing layer. High efficiency of 39 W / kg. With its low weight, Midsummer BOLD is a new alternative for roofs with weight restrictions. This means less cost of strengthening the roof structure.
Midsummer BOLD is a Swedish innovation that is manufactured from scratch in our production facility in Järfälla outside Stockholm – from input materials for solar cells to finished solar panels. Through this we ensure a transparent production..
Thanks to a unique manufacturing process and production in Sweden, Midsummer BOLD has a carbon dioxide footprint that is 90% lower compared to traditional solar panels.
Midsummer BOLD is an ultra-light and flexible solar panel, suitable for bitumen- and membrane roofs, where the end product is a discrete solar roof. The panel is designed for larger, flat roof surfaces on commercial properties, industrial buildings and warehouses.
With our solution, you will be less dependent on the electricity market and changing prices. This reduces operating costs, while at the same time helping to reduce the demand for electricity with a high environmental impact, such as nuclear power and fossil fuels.
Being transparent with sustainability issues is in demand today by both employees, customers and partners. Investing in solar cells is a clear stance that shows that you want to be involved and switch to renewable energy and a more sustainable world, which strengthens your environmental profile.
The demand for sustainability reporting and reduced carbon footprint is growing. In some cases, incentives are also offered to companies that want to invest in renewable energy. The minimum CO2 footprint of your solar panels provides concrete environmental results that can be shown in the sustainability report.
A third-party life cycle analysis shows that our products have a 90% lower carbon footprint than traditional solar panels. This is how we achieve the record-low carbon footprint:
Our CIGS solar cells (copper, indium, gallium and selenium) and solar panels are manufactured at our own production facility in Järfälla, Sweden.
The light-absorbing CIGS layer in our solar cells is extremely thin, which contributes to a fast production process.
Our solar panels are free from materials made with glass or aluminum, which reduces our material and energy consumption significantly.
“We have an ambition to be a climate-smart supplier. We work actively with our environmental impact and an important part of that is the installation of the solar cell roof from Midsummer. With its low weight, the Midsummer BOLD product has been a perfect choice for our factory. ”
Våra solpaneler är utanpåliggande och ligger tätt ovanpå takets tätskikt. Solpanelerna är integrerade i designen, men ej tekniskt integrerade, vilket innebär att de kan appliceras på befintliga byggnadsmaterial. Resultatet blir ett diskret solcellstak.
Midsummers solpaneler passar på de allra flesta tak, exempelvis hustak, flerfamiljshus, industribyggnader och tak med viktbegränsningar.
Vår produkt Midsummer SLIM säljs som en kombination av ett falsat plåttak och diskret designade solpaneler. Vår produkt Midsummer WAVE passar till tvåkupiga takpannor (Benders Palema & Monier Jönåker) och läggs ovanpå befintliga takpannor eller vid ett takbyte. Vår produkt Midsummer BOLD passar både på platta och lutande tak, exempelvis med papp- och membran som underlag.
Ja, både Midsummer WAVE och Midsummer BOLD går bra att eftermontera. Detta innebär en enkel installation och vi gör ingen åverkan på takets tätskikt.
Midsummer WAVE installeras genom att den läggs ovanpå takpannorna och fästs under ovanförliggande pannrad och låses fast med clips nedtill. Midsummer BOLD fästs med diskreta plåtlister. Dessa skruvas i plattor som sedan svetsas fast i takets material, exempelvis papp- eller membrantak.
Midsummer SLIM säljs med ett komplett takbyte.
Midsummer SLIM har en effekt på 111 W/m², Midsummer BOLD 116 W/m² och Midsummer WAVE 110 W/m².
Våra solceller har en verkningsgrad på 15-15,5 %.
Du kan köpa våra solcellstak direkt av oss, kontakta oss här.
Genom att investera i solpanelen Midsummer BOLD tar ni företagets elproduktion i egna händer. Med sin låga vikt på 3 kg/m2 är produkten ett optimalt alternativ för tak med viktbegränsningar och du slipper kostnaden för att förstärka takets konstruktion.
Vi erbjuder totalentreprenad och guidar er till rätt lösning oavsett om ni behöver byta tak eller vill montera solpaneler på ert befintliga tak.
© 2025 Midsummer