About us

Midsummer is a Swedish solar energy company that installs discrete solar roofs that we manufacture in Järfälla with 90% lower carbon footprint than traditional solar panels. We have a high-tech, Swedish product and own the entire value chain from development and production to installation. Under the Midsummer Machinery brand, we supply production systems for flexible thin-film solar cells. 

From machines to solar roofs

Midsummer was founded in 2004 with the desire to transform the world’s most climate-friendly energy source into usable energy for everyone.

The background of our founders is in the manufacture of machinery for CD readers and flat screen displays – a technology and production method that is very similar to the technology used in our solar cell manufacture.

Through a constant focus on further development and our vision of accelerating the transition to renewable energy, Midsummer has developed the most sustainable solar roof. Our products Midsummer SLIM, Midsummer WAVE and Midsummer BOLD are currently our main focus and sales area, while we continue to supply advanced production systems. Midsummer SLIMMidsummer WAVE and Midsummer BOLD are today Midsummer’s main focus and sales area, while we continue to deliver advanced production systems.

Our vision

With the most sustainable solar panel we transform the conventional roof and accelerate the transition towards renewable energy

With a clear focus on sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of Midsummer, and this is something that permeates throughout all levels of the organisation. Midsummer’s sustainability efforts are based on our desire to reduce the environmental impact of the production of solar roofs. A third-party-reviewed lifecycle analysis shows that Midsummer’s solar roofs generate almost 90% lower carbon footprints than traditional solar panels thanks to our efficient production systems. We’re extremely proud of being part of the global switch to renewable energy.

How do we achieve this? The solar panels are manufactured in our own production facility in Järfälla, which is powered by 100% renewable energy. The solar panels do not contain any heavy glass or aluminium element, significantly reducing materials consumption. In addition, the light-absorbent CIGS layer is extremely thin, contributing to a fast production process. However, we’re not stopping there, working every day to improve our products, processes and CO2 emissions.

Midsummer's solar roofs

We install discrete solar cell roofs that we manufacture in Järfälla with 90% lower carbon dioxide footprint than traditional solar panels. With our products Midsummer SLIMMidsummer WAVE and Midsummer BOLD the customer gets light, thin and discrete solar panels that provide a discrete solar roof. 

For bitumen and plastic membrane roofs

Midsummer BOLD

A flexible solar panel with record low weight, adapted for large roof surfaces. The product is sold as a retrofit on your existing roof or as a complete roof replacement.

For metal roofs

Midsummer SLIM

An aesthetic solar panel for standing seam metal and bitumen roofs, installable with new or existing roofs, offering a flexible and sustainable energy solution.

For roof tiles

Midsummer WAVE

A wavy solar panel that follows the shape of roof tiles. The product is sold as a retrofit on your existing roof tiles or as a complete roof replacement.

Midsummer Machinery

Midsummer controls the entire value chain from manufacturing equipment to finished solar roofs. This has been achieved through the development of advanced solutions for mass production of flexible thin-film solar cells.

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Get in touch

+46 (0) 8-525 096 10
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 08.00-17.00

Elektronikhöjden 6
175 43 Järfälla

Organisationsnummer: 556665–7838

VAT nr: SE556665783801

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